Resolution No. 15 Protecting Members from Cyberattacks

Unifor National Will:

  • Appoint a committee within 60 days which shall be comprised of staff from the Research Department and IT Department. This committee will research and compose a comprehensive report of recommendations and appropriate remedies that all Employer’s should institute when they have been the subject of a cyberattack and our member’s sensitive personal information is confirmed to be compromised or at risk and/or undetermined to be compromised.
  • Submit a copy of the report to the National Executive Board for approval/action. Once approved,

the report shall be sent to all National Staff and Local Unions as a guide.

  • Establish a ‘Bargaining Toolkit’ with draft language for stronger protections within Collective


  • Lobby Provincial and Federal Governments, where required, to strengthen applicable legislation

to ensure Employer compliance.



  • Instances of successful cyberattacks against Canadian Institutions and Canadian Employers is sharply on the rise, and;
  • Unifor members rightfully demand and expect that their sensitive personal information is fully protected and that every reasonable and appropriate action(s) and/or remedies are promptly instituted when their Employer fails to protect this information, even in the absence of Employer


Respectfully Submitted by:

Local 1090