Resolution No. 2 Adverse Effects of Privatization on Good Jobs Stop Contracting Out SaskTel

Unifor National Will:

  • Share Unifor campaign information about the adverse effects of privatization on good jobs and quality of service.



  • The Scott Moe government is undermining good jobs and good customer service at SaskTel with unprecedented contracting out.
  • Moe is handing over millions of dollars in contracts on a piecemeal basis to private firms in smaller contracts over time.
  • Over the last several years, it is estimated that nearly 1,000 SaskTel jobs have been contracted out to out-of-province companies or firms overseas since 2009.
  • When work is contracted out, it is sold off to the lowest In the race to be the lowest bidder, these firms are cutting corners on everything from training to caseload.
  • After enough piecemeal privatization, SaskTel is no longer a publicly owned Crown It becomes a shell corporation made up of dozens of contractors, many based out-of-province or even overseas. It ceases to become a serious competitor to Rogers, Bell or Telus.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Locals 1-S and 2-S